Facebook numbers game
Facebook numbers game goes viral though privacy concerns remain. Here we try to explain Facebook's new profile pages
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facebook numbers in status, facebook numbers, facebook number game, facebook number, numbers game facebookThe new profile page has been an instant hit with some 500 million Facebook users shifting toward it. Interestingly, big photos can be uploaded. Besides, users will also get an opportunity to mention hometown and work status, among other details, right up front.
To make users more attached to social networking site Facebook, the maker of this site wants people to emphasize on personal details. The new changes were unrolled by the site on Sunday. In it users have got the option to introduce themselves to fellow users more quickly. It is understood that this will generate bond among the users across the world.
While unveiling the changes, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told "60 Minutes" interviewer: "You can see all the things that you have in common with that person. It gives you this amazing connection with that person in a way that the current version of the profile that we have today just doesn't do."
Right now there is confusion as many users don’t know how the whole thing functions. Besides, users are yet to be informed when the new setting will take into effect. The changes are not something new. These information were already there but in a different place. However, it appears that now Facebook has decided to change this for good. With just the opening of the page one can make it out about the users’ identity, which is a good thing.
Zuckerberg mentioned about these things in an interview. He said: "I work at Facebook, and I spend all of my time there, right? I mean, here are my friends. I grew up in New York, and now I live in California, right. Those really kind of basic, important things."
A new and simple game is going viral again in Facebook and it's simply called the numbers game. And if you've seen the Facebook numbers in status updates of ...
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