
Registration CPNS Formation MORA 2010

Opened a new registration for the formation MORA CPNS 2010, Here is how to register CPNS Affairs 2010 / Formation MORA CPNS 2010:


Registration CPNS implemented based on the domicile of the local ID cards to applicants at the Provincial Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, State Institute of Hindu Dharma (IHDN), Christian High School District (STAKN), Hindu College of Home Affairs (STAHN), and the College of Buddhist Affairs (STABN ), except for applicants in the Central Unit echelon, State Islamic University (UIN), State Islamic Institute (IAIN), and the College of Islamic Religious Affairs (STAIN).

The announcement and registration CPNS within the Ministry of Religious Affairs on-line via the internet / website with the address with subdomains.

For applicants who have difficulty using the internet application / website to register / registration been directed to the procurement committee CPNS respectively through the post office without attaching a print out of registration data entry.

Applications written by his own hand with black ink and signed by the applicant accompanied by:

1. Print out the data entry registrar;
2. Photocopy of valid certificates that have been legalized in accordance with the required educational qualifications;
3. Pas photo size 4 x 6 cm of two sheets;
4. Photocopy of valid ID card.

Cover letter sent by mail, addressed to the committee Procurement Committee Civil Service Candidates CPNS Center / Procurement Committee CPNS echelon Unit / Procurement Committee and the Regional CPNS last postmarked November 3, 2010;

Applicants must submit the reply envelope has a stamp affixed to express by writing the name and address and zip code, for applicants who are not attaching a reply envelope disqualified as a participant.

On the application envelope for the destination listed work units and the proposed work on the top left corner of the enclosed sample.

Applications made according to the example attached. (Download document)


1. Indonesian citizen;

2. Minimum age of 18 and a maximum of 35 years (on January 1, 2011).

3. For applicants who are over 35 Years to 40 Years for Wiyata attach proof of service until January 1, 2011 a minimum of 13 years 9 months continuously and uninterrupted in government agencies or foundations are legal entities;

4. For applicants of Private Higher Education graduates who have not accredited before the enactment of Decree No. 184/U/2001 Minister dated 23 November 2001 had been approved by Kopertis / Kopertais;

5. Applicants for graduate College of Education Institute of Foreign Affairs or Foreign Affairs, must attach Decree Stipulation and Equalization of assessment results diploma graduates of Higher Education for Foreign Affairs of the Directorate General of Higher Education / Directorate General of Islamic Education;

6. Photocopy of diploma University / Institute of legalized by the Rector, Dean or Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, while the photo copy of High School diploma legalized by the Chairman or Vice Chairman for Academic Affairs;

7. Date of establishment of a diploma should be before the date of applying, while the graduation certificate or statement is not allowed;

8. There was never sentenced to prison or jail based on court decisions that have permanent legal force;

9. There was never dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as a Civil Servant / PegawaiSwasta;

10. Not located as Candidate Servants / Public Servant;

11. Willing to be placed throughout the Republic of Indonesia or other countries designated by the Government;

12. Not a member / political party management;

13. Willing to comply with the rules / regulations of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.


Time of registration applicants through the website / internet October 25, 2010 until November 3, 2010.


Reception registration was held on working units as follows:

1. General Secretariat

2. Inspectorate General

3. Implementation of Hajj and Umrah DG

4. Directorate General of Islamic Education

5. Directorate General of Islamic Guidance

6. DG Christian Guidance

7. DG Catholic Community Guidance

8. DG Hindu Community Guidance

9. DG Bimas Buddha

10. Research Agency and Training

11. Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of the entire Indonesian

12. State Islamic University (UIN) throughout Indonesia

13. State Islamic Institute (IAIN) throughout Indonesia

14. State Institute of Hindu Dharma (IHDN) Denpasar

15. State Islamic High School (STAIN) all over Indonesia

16. Christian High School Religious Affairs (STAKN)

17. Hindu Religious Affairs High School (STAHN)

18. College of Buddhist Affairs (STABN)


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