
Gunung Merapi Meletus Selasa 26 Oktober 2010

gunung merapi meletus , gunung merapi , foto letusan gunung merapi, selasa , 26 oktober 2010 , korban letusan gunung merapi Gunung merapi finally erupted with clouds accompanied by heat or often referred to as "wedus trash" in the hours of 17:02 pm on Tuesday, October 26, 2010. The eruption occurred four times until 17:34 pm. And hot clouds still continue to appear until now no stopping.

Here's the head of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation of Geological Surono in Yogyakarta when interviewed by reporters, "From 17:02 am until 17:34 pm happened four times to the present cloud of heat and hot clouds continue to emerge one after another after not stop." Trees and all who missed all of the hot cloud to the ground, and houses destroyed pendudukpun invisible anymore because the heat is passed through clouds.

Aside from that, many residents who have become victims of the heat and difficulty breathing due to thick smoke from the volcano. Many people who passed out and run out of oxygen, it is because as citizens of the mountain slopes were warned to evacuate but did not go for a visit to flee instead remain desperate to keep their homes on the slopes with alasana fear no thieves.

Eruption at 18:00 pm sounded three times that came from the postal and postal Jakah Selo, followed by smoke billowing as high as 1.5 kilometers heading south. Here's one of the residents said Surono dilereng Mount Merapi says, "This type of explosive eruptions of Merapi has been ascertained,"

To photograph the eruption of Mount Merapi can we look at the "Photos - Photos eruption of Mount Merapi"


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