
Similar Face Authentication Process Keasilan Cut Tari and Luna Maya

Cut Tari has denied that there are women in hot video widespread today is itself. However, technology is actually easy to identify the authenticity of the face in the video.

Previously Cut Tari, on Wednesday (9 / 6) says, "I just want to talk one-time only and are not repeated. To me, my husband, do not believe that it is me. My mother who gave birth, I also do not believe it. My family did not believe if it was me. So for me it's enough. "

While experts, telecommunications, Abhimanyu Wachjoewidajat says porn videos between people who like Cut Tari and Ariel ex-Peter Pan - is the original video. "There is no engineering. It has not been edited. Quality is better," said Abi, Tuesday (8 / 6).

And what about the resemblance of the so-called Cut Dance? Abi replied, "95 percent thought it Cut Dance."

How technology to easily identify the perpetrators based on the pictures that are available.
Is a doctorate in the field of artificial intelligence from the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia, Rahmat Widiyanto, had three years ago to develop face recognition techniques with fuzzy similarity-based methods measure.

That system is actually intended to identify the perpetrators of the Bali bombings that shattered his face, where the long-running process of identification. With a system developed by Rahmat and his team, face recognition system can identify the perpetrators quickly and accurately.

The method works by representing each component of the face with descriptors tailored to the characteristics of the dominant features (shape, texture, or color).

You do this by comparing the sketch illustrator with an existing database. Of course, in the case of the video becomes much easier because they live compared with the databases that are widely available.

Database was also play a role provides a number of templates facial components such as other forms of eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips, and hair that stayed the selected user.

"The result is 1990 percent of the reconstruction process is done successfully find the intended person's face," he explained.

According to Rahmat, a system that aim to help the police it was the first in the world.


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